Creative Confidence

Instead of playing music as background noise today at the office I put this video on repeat. Only because I'm MAD ADHD and my attention span sucks. Especially while I'm trying to design and focus on the contents of the video.  

Being in the creative industry thus far I am constantly surprised by the level of influence a designer has as a part of the creative process. Often the power we hold feels a bit much and overwhelming. I find my self defaulting to the modest excuse that;  "I'm glad I get to do what I love as a kid and that who knew loving to draw got me this far."


Realistically I believe the way we make an impact as designers  is through long term exposure to creative work. Consider it a muscle except you're not really getting buff. (maybe creatively buff?) But we need to be reminded that at some point earlier in our careers we had insecurities and lack of creative confidence and that constant practice makes you more and more savvy. Creativity isn't a natural born skill: