WHOA! is the least we can say about this recent trip to Mexico. We’ve made some life long friends in areas of Mexico we can only dream of living. Its been an inspiring and and eye opening trip to see the things designers are doing outside of the bubble we call “Silicon Valley.” A recap video is coming soon. Stay tune.


Morphing Matter Lab - Lining Yao

As an industrial designer we've always been fascinated with re-purposing innovations around us into new and interesting products. Lining Yao and her team has studying really cool biological science and applying it into products we're familiar with. Check this out:

New Design Challenge: #BLOWINGWITHCS

Join the design party. We're redesigning the desk fan and calling it #blowingwithcs. Criteria's are listed below. 

Our last challenge was a hit. Media traction and feedback was overwhelming. Thanks to everyone who participated we are so grateful. For those of you who got features, Congratulations. If you haven’t seen the submission go here: #breathebetterwithcs.

Download Motor CAD
Buy fan here.


PS. Here’s what we’ve been noodling on. Things that flip, rotate, clear and perch at various angles.  


"Building Stronger Children, Instead Of Fixing Broken Adults."

We felt like the opportunity to design Super Heroics first pair of shoe was awesome, but to spend the day with their Hero Lab at Escondido Middle School was eye opening. This brand is beyond a shoe, it's about keeping our children creative, active and playing. 

Today, as adults we reminisce about being a kid again. Why not preserve that for as long as possible for our children. 

In Jason's own words:

"It use to be that the athlete is the destination... Now every summer there is a Marvel movie, every summer there is Comic Con,  so their childhood is based around moments with narrative. Second insight, kid's aren't playing sports like they use to, and when kids aren't playing sports, they're just playing. So as long we preserve that purity of play, that's the intention of Super Heroic. We're not here to tell kids that sports are bad. We're here to keep them in this mind-sight of creativity, imagination, and play for as long as possible. We're here to build stronger children, instead of fixing broken adults. "


An Choi Bep SF

Our good friend Anne Pham is starting a Viet food tasting series in San Francisco called "An Choi Bep" and guess who gets to help with the logo? Us. 

An Choi's literal translation is "Eat & Play." Traditionally it's food served on small plates and paired with drinks. It almost feels like appetizers before a meal, similar to French hors d'œuvre. We're excited about this series. Anne does a mouth watering job at translating familiar Vietnamese cuisine in her own way.

Reserve your seat today for the October 28th tasting. 

For our designer friends. Here's some process photos:



The Rest Of Us

If you haven't seen this Samsung ad, we think it's a subtle clap back at all the buzz around Apple's product launch. It really speaks to the makers and doers around/in us. Yes, both company build products that enable us to work, live, create more efficiently, Samsung's doing a good job at capturing the scrappy, diy'er types of our generation. Peep it. Tell us what you think?  

Tiny Camera, Grand View


Anh and I are spending the next couple months creating content for the Essential phone. Specifically 360 stuff, and I'm excited to get weird and creative. One thing to brag about the essential camera is that it's the smallest 4K camera on the market today. It's so tiny I barely notice it in my pocket. I've used other 360s in the past, such as the Theta and Gear 360, and they're more or less similar in quality, but the tiny form factor of the essential makes it my favorite everyday 360 camera.  (I think I'm onto something here. Everyday 360 =  the hashtag #360365)

As of late, I've been having so fun creating these tiny planet photos. Everything you see here can be done natively on the phone. 100 percent free, and really low stress. It used to cost thousands of dollars to achieve something like this in the past. Technology is so awesome. We move forward by making technology more accessible and convenient for the consumer, and Essential is doing a really amazing job at this. Enjoy the photos :
