Concept Kicks & Speckle Hat

DOPE GEAR ALERT. feb8f3a1502ef17c75a3497fa5a445dd_large

Our buddy Daniel Bailey is one dude to follow if you're an aspiring shoe designer. Daniel started Concept Kicks as an online magazine dedicated to all things footwear. The website and Facebook  pages are both great resources that we wish existed while we're in school. There are many sites out there to catch up on your sneaker fix, but none dedicated to footwear designing. Links are all in yellow-bold if you love it share it.



Daniel ran a Kick Starter campaign for his "Speckle Print" cap and it was successful. Although we didn't get a chance to support and pledge, we immediately gave him cash as the hat became available. Buy it here.

No need to explain the aesthetics of the hat. The inspiration above points everything out & the spec sheet is a great example of a clean/clear CMF document for those of you interested in spec'n out gear.


